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Differential Calculus by G. P. Ramamohan This is a book about differentials, derivatives, and integrals in calculus for students in undergraduate mathematics.The focus of the text is on definitions, applications, and problems. Problems are chosen to represent the broad range of mathematical topics covered in differential calculus: hyperbolic functions; differentiation under variation; improper integrals; infinite series; Euler's theorem; perturbation theory for integrable systems; Fourier transforms and Laplace transforms. The book also includes an extensive glossary of terms used in differential calculus and reference list at the end of each chapter that can provide additional resources for further study on a particular topic covered by the text. Differential Calculus Exercise Book by R. S. Masters This book is based on problems that are solved in the text in the chapter called Differential Calculus in Definition, Applications, and Problems. The exercises in this book can be used either to supplement your studies or to practice what you have learned in the chapter. They are not intended to be self-contained or independent of the text. You will need a copy of "Differential Calculus with Applications" by Gorakh Prasad Ramamohan for full understanding of each problem. If you would like to see the solutions to the exercises after you have completed them, please contact us. Differential Calculus with Applications by Gorakh Prasad Ramamohan and G. P. Ramamohan Differential calculus is a powerful tool for solving problems in science and engineering, and there are many different ways of teaching it, depending on who you ask. This book was written for people who have had some calculus but have not yet seen the subject of differentials, derivatives, and integrals at the level of depth that they are dealt with in Calculus II. Differential Calculus with Applications Exercise Book by R. S. Masters This book is based on problems that are solved in the text in the chapter called Differential Calculus with Applications in Differentiation and Integration. The exercises in this book can be used either to supplement your studies or to practice what you have learned in the chapter. They are not intended to be self-contained or independent of the text. You will need a copy of "Differential Calculus with Applications" by Gorakh Prasad Ramamohan for full understanding of each problem. If you would like to see the solutions to the exercises after you have completed them, please contact us. Differential Integral Calculus by G. P. Ramamohan This text is primarily intended for use with junior and senior undergraduate mathematics majors in college who are studying differential calculus, multivariate calculus, and differential equations. The focus of this text is on definitions, applications, and problems. cfa1e77820